Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Food Forest comes to Fernwood

Greenly on we go...

Villagers at Heart
in the City of the World
we find our Path by Walking
and our Place by Sitting Still
as we are Related... so we are
and all is Conversation

Our City built of Villages
and there are ways
Village to Village
where sunlight dapples...
my feet find their way
my bicycle rolls, wheelingly

Fruits and Nuts canopied
over-arching Vine draped bowers
clouds of Berry bushes floating
Herbs and Medicine intermingling
roots and shoots winding round
a dance of winged ones and buzz

Greenly on we go ...

Parts A and B of Ayrie's Food Forest presentation to Fernwood Village:

Urban Food Forest

Dedicated to who we are as an emergent culture of the future.

What if our cities are places blessed with fecund soil, abundant water, fresh air, and sunlight? What if our cities form the loom on which is woven the continuous web of life, connected and merging seamlessly with the wild places beyond and between? What if the urban food forest were the source of that which is needed to nourish us; simply, beautifully, and elegantly?